
Do you know a small business in WA that deserves recognition? 27th Belmont & Western Australian Small Business Awards are now open


Awards 2020 Launch Message Cr Phil Marks, Mayor City of Belmont

Nominate a deserving small business (or your own business!) in the 27th Belmont & Western Australian Small Business Awards which highlight the immense value that small businesses contribute to the Western Australian economy. There are 24 Award categories that small business and individuals can nominate to enter.

2020 Award Categories:

This year’s Awards include the following categories for entrants to consider such as: Category sponsor video messages & media releases can be viewed below

With the support of the business community we encourage you to enter any award categories below in which your business is best suited (Entry into more than one category does not require extra submissions):

To register your interest and obtain a FREE Awards Entry Kit, contact us on  08 9479 3777 or email

We host free information sessions online to assist small businesses with their submissions. Award Mentors are also available to assist with queries on preparation. Bookings online

Download the Awards Flyer now or call us on 08 9479 3777 for an Entry Form to be forwarded to you. Or visit

Many local & WA businesses have gone onto win state and national awards with great media coverage from participating in the Belmont & Western Australian Small Business Awards and we wish you every success with your awards entry & future business growth.

Good Luck, 

The Belmont Small Business Awards in previous years

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