Belmont Business ‘Ask An Expert’ Sundowner
Wednesday, 25th May – 5pm
VENUE: Function Room, The Belmont, 174 Wright St,
Guest Speakers include:
President David Bennett Belmont Rotary; Matthew Jones Country Wide Insurance Brokers; Jean-Marc Aliphon Infinite IT and many more. Door Prizes and many opportunities to promote you and your business
23rd Belmont Western Australian Small Business Awards 2016 – collect your Entry Form, register for an Award Mentor
Door Prizes and many opportunities to promote you and your business
All businesses attending will be invited to personally introduce themselves and their business.
Join Friends of Belmont BEC:
Free Entry, Nibbles sponsored by The Belmont, Drinks at Bar Prices, Door Prizes.
Location: Function Room, The Belmont, 174 Wright St, Cloverdale WA 6105.
Bookings Essential: Register online, email or telephone 9479 3777.