2007 Belmont Small Business Awards
The Belmont Small Business Awards of 2007 were held on Wednesday the 31st of October. By all accounts the night was a great success with everyone who attended having an enjoyable night in the opulent Astral Ballroom at Burswood, highlights of the night included the Common Ground Indigenous Dance Troupe and Maali Models featuring Kooey Swimwear.
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Left: Peter Bond, Westpac Right: Joanne Whittle, Ninniku Jip (winner)
Sponsored by Westpac
Westpac is Australia’s first bank and the first Australian bank to adopt the Equator Principles – your future is our future. We understand the importance of “Quality Customer Service” for all our small business customers and will strive to deliver this experience everytime. Westpac welcomes the opportunity to present the “Westpac – Quality Customer Service” Award as part of our ongoing support to Carol and the team at Belmont Business Enterprise Centre.
WINNER – Ninniku Jip
Ninniku Jip is a cosmopolitan family dining restaurant serving a modern Korean menu with a touch of Japanese and Italian influence. Located in Victoria Park, Ninniku Jip seats 120 and was opened in May 2006. With customer service a major focus of Ninniku Jip, they installed a childrens playground to encourage families to attend, compiled a comprehensive Staff Handbook and adopted a Customer Comment Card to collect feedback from their clients. Ninniku Jip provides a quality customer experience for their guests not only in service but with their innovative menus.
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Left: Mark Pullen, Watermark Right: Ivan De Souza, Arcasa Pty. Ltd. (winner)
Sponsored by Watermark
Watermark is a leading Australian provider of intellectual property services. Watermark’s patent and trade mark attorneys assist clients maximise value in their products and services through commercially focussed strategic protection and management of their intellectual assets from concept to market.
WINNER – Arcasa Pty. Ltd.
Arcasa Pty Ltd is involved in air pollution control using sustainable and engineered biotechnology. The patented bio-filtration system utilizes biologically active micro-organisms that reduce odour emissions. With today’s ever sprawling urban developments, offensive odours are one of the most frequent environmental pollution incidents that are reported to regulatory authorities and odour impacts are significant environmental issues for the communities. The invention has immense local, national and global potential and the key strength of Arcasa Pty Ltd is their ownership of the patent technology and intellectual property.
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Left: Margaret Farrel, TCFWA Right: Lyndsey Fitzgerald, Jacaranda Community Centre Inc (winner)
TCFWA is the only community based industry association of its kind in Australia providing unique and innovative small business support services to emerging designers locally, statewide and nationally. TCFWA provides business workshops, online mentoring, networking, trade missions, exhibitions and new business opportunities for creative small businesses. Designedge fashion incubator provides online retail shopping web sites and ecommerce mentoring & promotional opportunities for emerging designers. Karl Farrell was an inspirational Chairman of TCFWA and this inaugural award honours his memory.
WINNER- Jacaranda Community Centre Inc
Jacaranda Community Centre is a not for profit organisation founded in March 2000, set up without any government assistance just the community getting together and it has grown from there. Founding Manager Lyndsey Fitzgerald and her husband Rob personally funded the provision of the Centre premises for 7 years and recently Jacaranda was successful with a Lotteries Grant to purchase their own building. Jacaranda provides an extensive range of services, including First Click Computer Training for Seniors, Family Financial Counselling, Court Services for Indigenous Youth and encourage participation of Belmont’s Aboriginal Community. The Centre has no restriction on family composition, age or religion and all services are free of charge. Jacaranda Community Centre is an inspirational story of determination and achievement.
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Left: Glenys Godfrey, Mayor of the City of Belmont Right: Michael D’Andrea, Office 2 Go (winner)
Sponsored by City of Belmont
The City of Belmont is located only 6 kilometres from the Perth CBD and is recognised as a major business centre within the Perth metropolitan area. Belmont City Council is committed to providing support and services so that businesses can thrive in the local area. There are currently more than five thousand businesses in the City who are making the most of Belmont’s location, affordable parking, land and transport networks. The Council is proud to sponsor the award for Best New Business as a further reinforcement of the value placed on business success in Belmont. By recognising quality and excellence in the community, the City of Belmont believes we can lift our standards even higher, and ensure our business community is a leader in Perth and Western Australia.
WINNER- Office 2 Go
The idea of Office 2 Go started mid 2006 when owner Michael D’Andrea could see a niche market in supplying office furniture fitouts…faster! In January 2007 Michael opened his 300sq m showroom and warehouse in Belmont. Starting as a sole operator, within 9 months Michael now has two employees, is on target to turnover $500,000 in his first year of trading and has the vision of opening a new showroom north of the river and eventually franchising his idea. With Michael’s company motto of quality furniture : fitouts : faster, it is sure to be a recipe for success.
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Left: Bev Poor, Watering Concepts Middle: Carol Wallbank, Wake Up! WA (winner)
Sponsored by Watering Concepts
Watering Concepts is a Western Australian owned company with a 26 year record of service within the community. Watering Concepts designs, supplies and services systems for water-based solutions including process water, chemical applications and industrial waste reticulation. They can design new projects or provide on-site or workshop repairs/refits for existing equipment dealing with control of flow, pressure, quality and distribution of solutions; Provide access to spare parts and repairs to most brands of filters, control valves and sprinkler systems, to maintain their 26 year reputation as Problem Solvers for Water Distribution Operations.
Wake Up! WA is Western Australia’s only produced and live TV breakfast show. It airs on Access 31 live Monday-Friday, 7am-8am slot and repeated daily at 10.30am. The program has 45,000 viewers daily for the 7am slot, an additional 25,000 estimated for the 10.30am episode. Wake Up! WA utilizes the skills of 35 media industry people, all of whom are volunteers. Wake Up! WA provides a fantastic showcase for charity organisations to reach out to the community whilst focusing on local and WA business, news, and current affairs.
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Left: Jill Goodwin, Belmont Forum Shopping Centre Right: Karen Grant, Wendy’s Belmont Forum (winner)
Sponsored by Belmont Forum Shopping Centre
Belmont Forum Shopping Centre represents the hub of the City of Belmont – the ‘City of Opportunity’. West Australian Owned, the Centre focuses on supporting local businesses and community group organisations. Belmont Forum is anchored by three supermarkets (Coles, Woolworth’s and Progressive Supa IGA ), two Discount Department Stores (Big W, Kmart), two mini majors (Harvey Norman and Red Dot ) and over 130 Specialty Stores including a state of the art newly refurbished Food Court. As a frequent meeting place for many in the community, Belmont Forum enjoys the opportunity to become involved with youth, seniors, welfare and fundraising through sponsorship, charitable work and the utilisation of the centre’s facilities.
WINNER – Wendy’s Belmont Forum
Wendy’s operates as a franchise of ice cream retail stores founded in Adelaide in 1979 and today Wendy’s has over 300 retail stores across Australia and New Zealand. Karen Grant purchased the Wendy’s Belmont Forum franchise in 2004 with Karen also holding the title of Wendy’s Accredited Franchisee Trainer of Western Australia. Wendy’s Belmont Forum continues to experience steady financial growth and is providing excellent retail services to its broad customer base.
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Left: Steve Little, Optima Press Right: Marjorie Charleson, Racebreed Australia (winner)
Sponsored by Optima Press
Optima Press was established in July 1989 and since has grown steadily and now enjoys an enviable position within the printing industry. Optima have corporate partnerships with many leading companies, design studios , advertising agencies and Government departments which is testament to their dedication and commitment to customer needs. Ongoing relationships are sustained by a stable workforce whose vast wealth of knowledge and understanding ensures a high standard of service. A Leader in innovation Optima Press continues to invest in new technology enabling them to offer quality and delivery with a competitive edge in the print market.
WINNER- Racebreed Australia
Racebreed Australia is the only publication featuring West Australian Thoroughbreds in a nationally distributed magazine. Racebreed Australia based in Cloverdale, continues increasing subscriptions and sales throughout Australia since Marjorie Charleson purchased the publication under the banner of Racing West in 1998 and introduced Racebreed Australia in 2000. Racebreed Australia and Marjorie support and sponsor horse racing and equestrian meetings and events around the state with the magazine having an excellent reputation for its industry content and breeding expertise. Marjorie was approached by Perth Racing to co-ordinate the West Australian Racing Museum, further proof of her standing within the thoroughbred racing, breeding and equestrian industries.
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Left: Frank Lamp, All Round Weightlifting WA Inc (winner) Right: Stuart McKinnon, Southern Gazette
Sponsored by Southern Gazette
The Southern Gazette is part of the Community Newspaper Group and is proud to support the Belmont Small Business Awards. With a weekly readership of 68,000* people, the Southern Gazette is the first choice for local news, real estate, motoring, sporting, employment, travel and entertainment information. The Southern Gazette provides businesses with the opportunity to reach the target audience that matter most to them – local customers – by offering cost effective, creative and flexible advertising solutions.
WINNER- All Round Weightlifting WA Inc
All-Round Weightlifting Incorporated in 1996 and has gone onto highlight the sport not only in Belmont, WA & Australia but throughout the southern hemisphere. Historically the origins of all round weightlifting can be traced backed to the old music halls of the 1800’s making it the oldest of the strength sports. During a visit to England in 1992, Frank Lamp attended the World Masters Weight Lifting Championships and the International All Round Association Congress. Frank was duly invited to establish the sport in Australia. Frank accepted the challenge and the position of International All-Round Weight Lifting Association Vice President for the Asia Pacific region. Located at the Belmont Sports & Recreation Club, All Round Weightlifting provides an outstanding community support and services.
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Left: Beth Walker, Edith Cowan University Right: Jill Goodwin, Belmont Forum Shopping Center (winner)
Sponsored by Edith Cowan University
The Small and Medium Enterprise Research Centre at ECU’s Joondalup Campus is recognised locally, nationally and internationally for the significant practical and academic value it brings to the small and medium enterprise domain. This is achieved through the centre’s strong links with industry, the business community and government. “University developed, community delivered” describes all project work undertaken by the centre.
WINNER – Belmont Forum Shopping Centre
Belmont Forum Shopping Centre has introduced many environmental initiatives and created the Belmont Forum “Earthbeat” program. This program operates under a key objective: to reduce the environmental impact of Belmont Forum on the surrounding community. Strategies and initiatives to support the “Earthbeat” program objective include the introduction of the Belmont Forum Environmental Committee and the implementation of a five year Environmental Management System. Issues addressed are waste management, energy consumption, water consumption, hazardous chemicals and indoor environmental quality.
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Left: Ramona Ling, Communicare Family and Employment Services Right: Peter Lyndsey-Macfadyen, WA Driver Recruitment (winner)
Sponsored by Communicare Family and Employment Services
Communicare has been providing services within the Perth Metropolitan for over 30 years and through its Employment Services assists people to reconnect to the workplace. In 2005, over 150,000 people accessed some form of support from this agency and its Mission of strengthening the community by encouraging the participation of all members of society is highlighted within the work it carries out throughout the metropolitan area. The Belmont employment arm is located in Abernethy Road opposite Belmont Shopping Centre and is a convenient location for clients and employers alike. Without the support of Small Business as one of the major employers of staff within Western Australia, clients would be severely restricted in their choice and variety of work. Communicare is happy to be part of these awards.
WINNER – WA Driver Recruitment
WA Driver Recruitment introduced a new concept – ‘Logistic Placements Pty Ltd’ to help introduce young people into the workplace in May 2006. The initiative results in trainees being hired as permanent employees for 12 months on-the-job training. This, coupled with off-site theory training one day a month, results in a nationally recognized ‘Certificate II in Transport and Distribution’.
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Left: Sascha Stone, Professional Marketing Services (winner) Right: Jerry Reinhardt, Concert Corporate Productions
Sponsored by Concert Corporate Productions
Concert & Corporate Productions (CCP) is a Western Australian owned and operated Event Production Company based in Belmont coordinating and supplying equipment, labour and technical support for events ranging from school productions to large outdoor concert events. Whether its to site manager the Ben Harper concert in Supreme Court Gardens, provide lighting for the prestigious Leeuwin Estate concert, organise staging and audio visual for a school production or the complete production services to compliment a conference for 3,000 delegates, CCP has been there and continues to be the leading WA Production providers in this field.
WINNER- Professional Marketing Services
Energy, enthusiasm and a passion for marketing have driven Professional Marketing Services to its current success. Sascha Stone is the talented and multi skilled owner behind Professional Marketing Services team that covers every aspect of event coordination covering planning, management, venues, logistics, entertainment, audio visual, equipment, catering, marketing, advertising, public relations, VIP’s, special guests, budgets, timelines, media coverage and sponsorship! A one stop shop for event management services!
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Left: Paula Cooney, Indigenous Business Australia Right: Chontall Mercer, InBody Beauty Escape (winner)
Sponsored by Indigenous Business Australia
Indigenous Business Australia (IBA) plays an important role in creating economic development opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities to build assets and wealth. IBA does this through its; Equity and Investments programme, Home Ownership programme, Business Development and Assistance programme and its Home Ownership on Indigenous Land programme. The business development and assistance programme marketed as IBA Enterprises provides business loans and business support to eligible indigenous Australians. IBA supports indigenous owned business and supports opportunities like this to reward their success. IBA is very proud to be associated with sponsoring this award.
WINNER- InBody Beauty Escape
InBody Beauty Escape was originally established by Chontall Mercer in a borrowed room in her parents Bassendean home with a focus on acrylic nails. After 6 months, the business expanded into commercial premises with the provision of additional beauty services. Further renovations have since made way for four luxury treatment rooms which has increased business. InBody Beauty Escape has a focus on customer service surveys and staff incentives like their “build a better me program”. This is where Chontall spends some of her personal time focusing on what her staff want out of life. She dedicates an hour a week to each staff member training them and helping them achieve their own personal goals in life.
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Left: Linda Liu Bearne, Small Business Development Corporation Right: Matthew Stock, Scales Plus (winner)
Sponsored by Small Business Development Corporation
The Small Business Development Corporation has been supporting and developing small business throughout WA for over 23 years. From providing information, training and advice, online networks and networking functions; through championing the cause of small business across all channels; to attracting the best talent to WA through business and skilled migration, the Small Business Development Corporation works to grow the small business sector across the state.
WINNER – Scales Plus
Scales Plus is a home based business commencing in 2004. Owner Matthew Stocks started with two electronic scales imported from China. From humble beginnings Scales Plus now has over 150 products, including different types of electronics and continued to supply various types of scales as the business’s core product. The range of products are mainly for industrial and mining purposes so market segments are clearly identified. Turnover has more than doubled in the last 12 months and Scales Plus continues to increase its product range.
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Left: Michael D’Andrea, Office 2 Go (winner) Right: Louis Geneste, Curtin Business School
Sponsored by Curtin Business School
Curtin Business School is one of the most comprehensive business teaching facilities in Australia and has earned an international reputation as a practical, innovative business school that has consistently educated and developed professionals for the global business community. A key strength of Curtin Business School is diversity and offer numerous Bachelor of Commerce specialisations and postgraduate programs in such areas as entrepreneurship, accounting, marketing, management, information systems and business law.
WINNER – Michael D’Andrea, Office 2 Go
Michael is 31 years of age and after doing his apprenticeship as a carpenter decided there was a niche market in providing quality furniture supplied quickly. Office 2 Go was born! Michael started his business with a clear business plan in place, a company motto and a company vision statement written down so that any staff he employed would know exactly where he was coming from and what was expected. With the vision of another store to open north of the river, then once established to franchise the concept. Michael’s vision, hard work and commitment now provide recognition as a young business entrepreneur.
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Left: Gerry Hanssen, Hanssen Pty Ltd Middle: Taku Mbudzi, Ribbon of Africa (winner) Right: Mel Fialho, Australian Asian Association of WA Inc
Sponsored by Australian Asian Association of WA Inc
It is with great delight that the Australia Asia Association (AAA) has sponsored the small business migrant of the year. The AAA is now in its 51st year of operation and currently has around a 120 global organisations under its conglomerate umbrella. Operating out of its headquarters on Stirling Street and its branch offices in Joondalup and Gosnell’s the AAA caters for the need of thousands of Western Australia’s new and settled migrant population. The association in seeking to recognise the massive input of Western Australia’s migrant business community to the economy is greatly delighted once again to sponsor the award with Belmont BEC.
WINNER- Taku Mbudzi, Ribbon of Africa
Taku Mbudzi, set up Ribbon of Africa, a home based business in 2006. The business sells a wide ranging selection of products including singlets, T-Shirts, caps, visors and tote bags. Ribbon of Africa is also used as a means of promoting African pride and community development in Perth. The central focus for Taku is her range of products being produced by the business, however, she has also taken it upon herself to use experiences garnered through her experiences to promote community understanding and awareness with various organizations and events to raise awareness and exposure within communities of African culture.
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Left: Annette White Middle: Mike Hendry, Australia Post Right: Elain Ng on behalf of Iskandar Judodhardjo, Zip Group (winner)
Sponsored by Australia Post
Australia Post has a huge range of products and services designed specifically for our business customers. We can assist your business with Delivering Your Products, Marketing Your Business, Supplying Your Office and Collecting Customer Payments. For further information please refer to the Australia Post brochure in your show bags.
WINNER- Zip Group
ZIP Group is fast becoming one of the leading fashion houses in Australia with over 35 years of combined experience in the fashion industry with both national and international credentials. Located in Burswood, Iskandar Judodihardjo and Lenny Wijaya travel extensively around the globe to observe international trends and work closely with design and product development houses in Asia to create truly beautiful seasonal collections for women under the VERS label. The Zip Group is highly successful with over 120 retailer stockists across Australia of their own label and prestige import labels, they operate three VERS Boutique retail outlets in Perth and during 2007 have established a further four retail outlets in Queensland. The ZIP Group are constantly looking for growth and expansion within the Australian fashion industry.
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Left: Malcolm Bradshaw, Perth Airport Right: Mark Thalmann, Express-Link Pty Ltd (winner)
Sponsored by Perth Airport
More than 8 million passengers pass through Perth Airport, making it Australia’s fourth largest airport in terms of passenger traffic. To ensure the development of tourism in Western Australia, Perth Airport is committed to working closely with the tourism industry to promote the State as an attractive destination for overseas visitors. Perth Airport also has a strong focus on working with airlines to increase the number of routes and flights to Western Australia. And as the premier international, domestic and regional gateway to the State for commercial aircraft, freight and passengers, Perth Airport forms an integral component of the Western Australian economy. For more information about Perth Airport, visit www.perthairport.com.
WINNER – Express-Link Pty Ltd
Express-Link is a dynamic transport company with the proud boast that it can transport anything, anywhere, 24 hours a day. Express-Link based in Kewdale provides a complete freight service including import and export by sea or air with four main areas: Interstate Freight, Domestic Air Freight, International Freight, Container cartage & unload. Established in 1997, Director Mark Thalmann has successfully guided Express Link through substantial growth and during 2007 has expanded again with the establishment of Express Link International Pty Ltd. Express Link is shortly to be featured in a major national ABC TV program on the workplace.
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Left: John Tedesco, Belmont BEC Right: Robert Manfred, Compu-Store (winner)
Sponsored by Belmont Business Enterprise Centre & Small Business Centre Belmont
Belmont Business Enterprise Centre – Small Business Centre Belmont provides support and assistance to new and existing small businesses in Belmont and beyond. Established in1994, a not for profit community association, the centre has assisted in excess of 10,000 clients over this time and also provides workshops, mentoring, networking and innovative small business projects to assist its client base. Projects can include industry specific projects that support the TCF or Racing Industries, Innovation Festivals, Business Awards, Multicultural and Indigenous community projects.
WINNER- Compu-Store
Compu-Store located in Belmont provides a complete range of document and record management services. Their core services are the secure and confidential document storage and retrieval, data storage, confidential document and electronic media destruction, general pallet storage, high quality archive boxes, document imaging, microform services and tape copying. Compu-Stor has established a high reputation for quality business record management through assisting WA business and government departments to maintain and manage their record management systems.
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Left: Andrew Moody, Burswood Entertainment Complex Right: Aaron Bond, Country Comfort Inter City Hotel and Apartments (winner)
Sponsored by Burswood Entertainment Complex
Burswood Entertainment Complex, our host for tonight’s awards, has a long history in supporting local community organisations and bringing together near neighbours to strengthen our local area. Employing the services of over 2000 businesses, with many from the local community, Burswood is considered one of WA’s premier tourist destinations and it is fitting that they present the Best Tourism Award.
WINNER – Country Comfort Inter City Hotel and Apartments
Country Comfort Inter City Hotel and Apartments offer 100 well appointed rooms, including deluxe and studio style rooms and apartment accommodation located on Great Eastern Highway, Belmont providing guests with the latest in-room digital technology, high-speed broadband, resort style swimming pool, spa, tennis court, gymnasium, playground and BBQ facilities. The Firehouse Bar & Restaurant is a welcome addition in the local area with many community groups hosting their monthly meetings in the hotel function rooms. Being located close by domestic and international airports the hotel is the ideal location for business and leisure travellers.
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Left: Arlene Quinn, BPW WA Right: Emma Bumbak, NB Furniture (winner)
Sponsored by Business & Professional Women WA
Business & Professional Women WA Inc is part of the Australian and international association of business and professional women. It is active and accepted in culture and society, business and politics. It bridges generations and bonds women into a supportive network. BPW’s Aims are achieved by Networking at state, national and international events; Supportive friendship and personal development; Mentoring projects; Twinning projects with BPW Clubs worldwide; Voicing clear opinions within the economic lobby; Collaboration with like-minded other women’s groups; Strong partnerships in the economy and society.
WINNER- Emma Bumbak, NB Furniture Design
Emma Bumbak purchased NB Furniture in 2004 in partnership with her father, she has operated the business by herself over the last 3 ½ years. One of the first things that Emma identified, was to provide a point of difference in her business deciding to use only New Zealand plantation pine, a product that was not only environmentally sensitive but easy to stain and repair. Emma has seen the business grow from a fledgling $20,000 turnover in 2004 to close to $500,000 in the last financial year. Whilst working ‘hands on’ in the growing business, Emma has fought her battle with a serious illness and now enjoys spending a little more time with her husband and their twin 21 month old daughters.
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Left: Terry Cash, Cash & Partners Right: Aleesha Lawrence, Head and Body at Ascot (winner)
Sponsored by Belmont Business Enterprise Centre / Small Business Centre Belmont
Belmont BEC – Small Business Centre has conducted the Belmont Small Business Awards since 1994, now in its 14th year, the awards have supported and encouraged hundreds of small businesses by providing recognition for their achievements and business excellence. The Judges sometimes come across a business that they believe deserves recognition that has not quite met the criteria of other categories. The Judges Award was introduced to acknowledge such a deserving small business.
WINNER- Head and Body at Ascot
Aleesha Lawrence at just 20 years of age purchased Head & Body in July 2007 in partnership with her mother Debra. Before purchasing the business they researched and sort specialised industry expertise on purchasing, support on profit margin, sales reviews and computer systems and developed a formal plan to assist in keeping focused for future direction. Debra has since returned to work full time to allow Aleesha her goal of one day owning her own salon. After only twelve weeks of trading, Head & Body have recently employed another hairdresser and look forward to more growth.
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Left: David Bennett, Rotary Club of Belmont Right: Peter Lyndsey-Macfadyen, WA Driver Recruitment (winner)
Sponsored by Rotary Club of Belmont
The Rotary Club of Belmont is proud to support the Enterprise of the Year in the annual Belmont Small Business Awards. Belmont Rotary actively supports Community, Youth, and of course Business activities within the local area through the operations of the Sunday markets at the Belmont Forum Shopping Centre. The Belmont Rotary Club meets at 12:00 each Thursday at Silks in the Belmont Tavern.
WINNER – WA Driver Recruitment
Belmont based WA Driver Recruitment was formed to provide specific labour hire needs to the transport, freight and logistics industries. Faced with constantly losing trained staff to other industry sectors, the company turned a negative into a positive and became a Group Training Organisation offering opportunities to young people to enter the industry as trainees and obtain experience whilst on the job. The company over the past two years has experienced outstanding growth resulting in over a $7million dollar turnover in the last financial year. WA Driver Recruitment status as a preferred supplier of experienced drivers and warehouse personal places them at the leading edge of the labour supply market for the Transport Industry.