3rd International Conference of Fashion Incubators (ICFI) 2011

Click to download the flyer or visit www.fashionincubators.com for more information.

September 2011

Perth, Australia is on the doorstep of the Asia Pacific Region and the 3rd International Conference Fashion Incubators would be well placed for fashion educators from around the globe to join together to build on previous International Conferences of Fashion Incubators held in the UK and USA to further assist the growth and development of fashion industry educators and those that nurture and support emerging designers.


Delegates attending Perth will gain new skills, create opportunities and build new networks with other fashion incubators, support centres, educators, conferences, festivals, trade events, fashion weeks from Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore joining with international fashion professionals and fashion event organisers from the USA, UK, Europe, Canada and from across the globe to expand the International Fashion Incubator network.


  • Fashion business growth and professional development
  • Indigenous fibers, textiles, traditional crafts, global village sewing projects
  • Incubator best practice, financing and business support available
  • International fashion exhibitions and new marketing opportunities
  • Sourcing global networks for raw materials, manufacturers, agents, retailers
  • Expand the global fashion ‘helpline’ network & designer exchange

The third International Conference of Fashion Incubators is planned to be held during 2011 Perth Fashion Festival – an action packed week of fashion parades, displays and fashion exhibitions. An extensive range of pre and post conference social and business opportunities will also be available.

TCF WA is a member of the Asia Pacific Incubator Network, iDISC, InfoDev – www.idisc.net/en/Incubator.330.html TCFWA has a strategic link with Belmont Business Enterprise Centre Inc – www.belmontbec.com



Textile Clothing Footwear Resource Centre of WA Inc (TCFWA) was founded in 1998 and has developed an extensive range of innovative small business training & mentoring projects for creative fashion and textile micro enterprises across Australia. TCFWA is a non profit community based organisation


TCF Australia was launched in 2006 to assist the fashion and TCFL industries across Australia, including regional and remote creative industries. Industry specific small business training & mentoring is provided through the delivery of projects that include workshops, online mentoring, events and exhibitions. Buying missions are also co-ordinated to numerous global trade fashion events



Designedge Fashion Incubator was first launched in 2003 and has since developed to be a retail incubator and more recently a virtual fashion incubator, providing online shops and designer profiles.


TCF Global was launched in 2007 and facilitates village community sewing projects or assists with linkages in the global supply chain to connect fashion designers with global fashion trade and industry networks.
