Breaking Down Barriers in Disability Employment, Wednesday 29th April, Wanneroo
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Breaking Down Barriers in Disability Employment
Ever considered how your business can be empowered through workplace inclusion?
You and your staff are invited to our FREE Workshop to breakdown real or perceived barriers to disability employment. Gain a better understanding of workplace awareness, employment subsidy schemes and how Corporate Social Responsibility workplace inclusion can make a positive impact to your business and your staff. Free Employer Toolkit, mentoring and one/one advisory support are available to you and your business to be better prepared when considering disability employment.
When: Wednesday, 25th March, 1pm-2:30pm
Where: Belmont Business Enterprise Centre, Unit 3 / 216 Belmont Avenue, Cloverdale
Bookings Essential: Register ONLINE, [https://belmontbec.com/event/breaking-down-barriers-in-disability-employment-wednesday-29th-april/] Email [mailto:[email protected]?subject=FREE%20Disability%20Employment%20Workshop%2C%20Belmont%2C%20 25 March] or P| 9479 3777
MY Business Incubator ‘Count Me IN’ Project is an NDIS Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) initiative and supported by: the Department of Communities, the Belmont Business Enterprise Centre Inc. (BEC) and Textile, Clothing, Footwear Resource Centre of Western Australia Inc. (TCFWA), plus supporters and volunteers.
My Business Incubator ‘Count Me IN’ Project
www.mybusinessincubator.com.au E| [email protected]
Supported By
You’re receiving this because you are part of our Belmont BEC Network
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Belmont Business Enterprise Centre Inc.
PO Box 370
Cloverdale WA 6985
Phone 08 9479 3777
Fax 08 9479 3888