Business & Professional Women Belmont invites you to Celebrating Cultures and Traditions, 13th February, 7pm-9pm, Cloverdale


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Business & Professional Women Belmont invites you to
Celebrating Cultures and Traditions 

13th February, 7pm-9pm, Cloverdale


To    understand    the Renaissance   of   Traditional   Chinese Culture and its relevance today, the   presenters   of   Shen Yun Performing   Arts   I  n     Australia will provide an overview of what has shaped  Chinese culture  through  5000 years  of  civilisation  –  a heritage that  has almost   been  lost  in China  today.   This revival has global significance which Shen Yun’s   world   tours   have   shown   to   resonate   with   people throughout the world, regardless of nationality, age or social status.


Presented by Michele Webster
Michele enjoys giving presentations on traditional Chinese culture.  Her interest in traditional Chinese culture began about 6 years ago while on a personal journey of self-mastery through Chinese Qigong after suffering from anxiety and depression for many years.  Through studying this culture, she has come to appreciate the value of preserving it’s ancient wisdom for the benefit of the modern day.”


Register Here bookings essential deadline 12th February
Where: Function Room, Belmont Sports & Recreation Club, 400 Abernethy Rd, Cloverdale

Cost: $10 donation at door to community projects
(Cash Bar / Nibbles provided)

Further information:[email protected] phone 0431437833
New Members are Welcome
Taking Action for Women’s Equality – at work, on boards, in leadership
BPW International works for global gender equality in power and decision-making through our advocacy and UN participation.  BPW develops the business, professional and leadership potential of women through its advocacy, mentoring, networking, skill building and economic empowerment programs and projects around the world.