FREE Cyber Security ‘LIVE’ WEBINAR, ‘Cyber Security: Essential 8 – Strategies to Protect your System’, 13th April, 12noon- 1pm (AWST)




‘LIVE’ Cyber Security Webinar Online

‘Cyber Security : Essential 8 – Strategies to Protect your System’ , 13th April 2022, 12noon- 1pm (AWST)

MY Business Incubator™ CYBER SECURITY Training & Mentoring Project

Through this webinar, you will gain insights about:  

  • To understand, take action, and improve resilience against ever-evolving cyber security threats.
  • Stay up to date and stay safe from scams.
  • Secure online activities can make a significant difference in reducing common cyber threats impacting your money, data and reputation.

Event Bookings:
E| [email protected]