FREE Workshop – Time Management – Tues, April 2nd, 1pm


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FREE Workshop For Your Small Business

Time Management

Through this workshop you will develop skills on

• Systems That Create Focus
• The Sifting Process to Resolve Conflicting Priorities
• An insight into the Potency of Outlook
• Critical Elements of Big Rock Planning


April 2nd
Tuesday, 1pm-4:30pm


Bookings now open for all workshops –

About the Presenter Angie Spiteri

Angie Spiteri is a highly sought after productivity consultant and business coach who conducts training programs for the government and some of the State’s largest [public and private] companies. Angie specialises in personal productivity and optimisation of time to meet conflicting demands. Angie assists businesses in boosting their daily productivity to hit revenue targets using simple but effective techniques and habits.


Time Management Workshop

Coordinated by Belmont BEC
Further information P| 94793777 E| [email protected]




This workshop is brought to you by Business Local
This free workshop is brought to you by the Small Business Development Corporation’s Business Local outreach service. Business Local provides small business owners in the Perth metropolitan area with access to free enterprise skill development sessions.
For more information to help you start and run a business, including the SBDC’s free small business advisory service, visit: